Unit 10: Health and Hygience

Xem toàn bộ tài liệu Lớp 7: tại đây

Bài 1. Read the article and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or (F).

After school Kien usually goes swimming. He goes to the swimming pool five times a week. His swimming pool is very good. The pool is 25 metres long and has six lanes. More than a thousand children have swimming lessons there every month.

His swimming instructor is experienced and friendly, but she is also strict.

Lessons last 45 minutes, but he usually trains for an hour and a half. During the lesson he swims about two kilometers. His favourite swimming styles are crawl an backstroke.

He practices a lot to improve his swimming skills. He wants to achieve good results. Last month he participated in a swimming competition. Ten swimmers from three schools took part in the competition. He won first prize.

Swimming is his favourite sport. Swimming is interesting and pleasant, and it helps him to keep fit.

Question 1: Kien goes to home after school.

A. True     B. False

Đáp án: B

Giải thích: Thông tin ở đoạn 1: After school Kien usually goes swimming.

Dịch: Sau giờ học Kiên thường đi bơi.

Question 2: He practices swimming five times a month.

A. True     B. False

Đáp án: B

Giải thích: Thông tin ở đoạn 1: He goes to the swimming pool five times a week.

Dịch: Anh ta đi đến bể bơi năm lần một tuần.

Question 3: His swimming instructor is so hard.

A. True     B. False

Đáp án:

Giải thích: Thông tin ở đoạn 2: His swimming instructor is experienced and friendly, but she is also strict.

Dịch: Huấn luyện viên bơi lội của anh có kinh nghiệm và thân thiện, nhưng cô cũng nghiêm khắc.

Question 4: He swims about five kilometers during the lesson.

A. True     B. False

Đáp án: B

Giải thích: Thông tin ở đoạn 3: During the lesson he swims about two kilometers.

Dịch: Trong giờ học, anh bơi khoảng hai cây số.

Question 5: The best friend won first prize in the swimming competition.

A. True     B. False

Đáp án: B

Giải thích: Thông tin ở đoạn 4: He wants to achieve good results. Last month he participated in a swimming competition. Ten swimmers from three schools took part in the competition. He won first prize.

Dịch: Anh ấy muốn đạt được kết quả tốt. Tháng trước anh tham gia một cuộc thi bơi. Mười người bơi từ ba trường tham gia cuộc thi. Anh đã giành giải nhất.

Bài 2. Chọn thông tin đúng về bài đọc sau.

A. Calories are units of energy. They refer to the amount of energy you get from foods and drinks, and the amount of energy you use through physical activities. For example, an apple has about 80 calories, while a 1.6 km walk might use up 100 calories. Calories are important for human health, and the key is having the right amount of it.

B. Everyone needs different amounts of energy per day depending on age, size and activity levels. An athlete needs more calories than an office worker. To stay in shape, an average adult requires at least 1,800 calories per day (according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). If we eat just the number of calories our body needs each day, we will probably be healthy. However, eating too much can make you put on weight. To lose weight, eat fewer calories than your body burns each day.

C. These are some experts’ tips to reduce calorie intake. First, you must know how many calories you need each day and always count them in your diet. Have small frequent meals and drink more water too. This will help you feel less hungry. Furthermore, avoid all sugary drinks and junk food. They are high in energy but low in nutritional value.

Question 1: What are calories?

A. They are units of energy.

B. They are the amount of energy.

C. They are important.

D. Each person needs different amounts of calories.

Đáp án: A

Giải thích: Thông tin nằm ở câu 1 đoạn A: Calories are units of energy

Dịch: Calo là các đơn vị năng lượng.

Question 2: How many calories does an apple contain?

A. 100 calories.     B. About 80 calories.

C. About 160 calories.     D. None are correct.

Đáp án: B

Giải thích: Thông tin nằm ở đoạn A: For example, an apple has about 80 calories.

Dịch: Ví dụ, một quả táo có khoảng 80 calo.

Question 3: What factor decides the amount of energy a person needs each day?

A. Age.     B. Size.

C. Activity levels.     D. All are correct.

Đáp án: D

Giải thích: Thông tin nằm ở đầu đoạn B: Everyone needs different amounts of energy per day depending on age, size and activity levels.

Dịch: Mỗi người cầ những lượng calo khác nhau cho một ngày phụ thuộc vào tuổi, kích cỡ, và lượng hoạt động.

Question 4: What is a healthy number of calories per day?

A. At least 160 calories.     B. About 80 calories.

C. At least 1,800.      D. None are correct.

Đáp án: C

Giải thích: Thông tin nằm ở đoạn B: To stay in shape, an average adult requires at least 1,800 calories per day.

Dịch: Để giữ mình cân đối khỏe mạnh, trung bình một người trưởng thành cần ít nhất 1800 calo mỗi ngày.

Question 5: What happens when we eat too many calories?

A. We can put on weight.      B. We will be healthy.

C. We can lose weight.     D. We can reduce calorie intake.

Đáp án: A

Giải thích: Thông tin ở cuối đoạn B: However, eating too much can make you put on weight.

Dịch: Tuy nhiên, ăn quá nhiều có thể làm bạn tăng cân.

Bài 3. Read the passage and then decide whether the statements are true or false

Green tea

Green tea must always be the first to be mentioned whenever one talks about Vietnamese tea. From the middle of the 20th century, green tea has been planted extensively throughout the North and the Middle of Vietnam, gradually becoming a symbol of Vietnamese’ everyday life, of the peaceful countryside regions.

Green tea is very amiable to Vietnam’ soil and climate, as it can be found widely in not only plain but also highland areas, sometimes right in the family backyard’s gardens. With the higher trunk and larger in size of leaves in comparison with other tea plants, green tea can be enjoyed fresh and there is no need to wilt or oxidize; people can enjoy it right after picking the leaves from the tree. Steeping and boiling the tea leaves in hot water, after fifteen minutes, your green tea is ready to be served. Vietnam has been always an agricultural country, since people in rural area earn a living mainly from farming. It is the keeping-cool characteristic that makes green tea a perfect beverage for hot summer days in the tropical land. Besides blowing out the heat from the inside, green tea also helps improving the body’s resistance to infection. Unsurprisingly, green tea has been considered an indispensable part of Vietnamese farmers’ ordinary life.

Nowadays, acknowledging about Vietnamese ardor for green tea and its positive affects on health, some shrewd producers have convert this folk beverage into canned drink, bringing green tea closer to urban citizens as well as foreigners.

Question 1: From the middle of the 20th century, green tea has been planted extensively throughout the South of Vietnam.

Đáp án: F

Giải thích: From the middle of the 20th century, green tea has been planted extensively throughout the North and the Middle of Vietnam.

Dịch: Từ giữa thế kỷ 20, trà xanh đã được trồng rộng rãi khắp miền Bắc và miền Trung Việt Nam

Question 2: Vietnam’s climate is favorable for growth of green tea.

Đáp án: T

Giải thích: Green tea is very amiable to Vietnam’ soil and climate.

Dịch: Trà xanh rất phù hợp với đất đai và khí hậu của Việt Nam

Question 3: Green tea is good for people health.

Đáp án: T

Giải thích: Thông tin toàn bộ ở đoạn 2 và câu đầu đoạn 3.

Dịch: Trà xanh tốt cho sức khỏe con người

Question 4: Nowadays, some producers have converted this folk beverage into canned drink.

Đáp án: T

Giải thích: Thông tin: … some shrewd producers have convert this folk beverage into canned drink.

Dịch: Một số nhà sản xuất sắc sảo đã chuyển đổi thức uống dân gian này thành đồ uống đóng hộp

Question 5: Green tea is very expensive so only the rich can buy it.

Đáp án: F

Giải thích: Bài đọc không nói đến việc trà xanh thì đắt đỏ chỉ dành cho người giàu.


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