Unit 2: Clothing

Xem toàn bộ tài liệu Lớp 9: tại đây

    Đề kiểm tra 15 phút Tiếng Anh 9 học kì 1 Số 2

    I.Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất. (5 điểm)

    1.My bicycle _________ last night.

    A. has been stolen

    B. was stolen

    C. stole

    D. is stolen

    2.Have you ever ridden an elephant yet?- Yes, I’ve_______ridden it.

    A. already    B. yet    C. since    D. for

    3.We have lived in this town_______1999.

    A. for    B. just    C. since    D. in

    4.Ao dai is the __________ dress of Vietnamese women.

    A. workable    B. fashionable    C. traditional    D. casual

    5.His house_________into last night but nothing was taken.

    A. is break    B. was broken    C. were broken    D. broke

    6.My brothers are very __________ wearing jeans.

    A. like    B. love    C. enjoy    D. fond of

    7.Asian people love eating rice. Rice ________ in many parts of Asia.

    A. is grown    B. are grown    C. has grown    D. have grown

    8.When ____________? In 1876.

    A. telephone was invented

    B. was telephone invented

    C. did telephone invented

    D. did telephone invent

    II. Trong các từ gạch chân dưới đây có một lỗi sai, tìm lỗi sai trong mỗi câu. (5 điểm)

    1.Five million bottle of champagne will be produced in France next year.

    A. bottle    B. champagne    C. will be produced    D. next

    2.A new style of jeans have just been introduced in the USA.

    A. new    B. have    C. introduced    D. in

    3.We have been friends since we are at university. Our friendship lasts long.

    A. have been    B. are    C. at    D. long

    4.Designers made difference styles of jeans to match the fashions of the time.

    A. Designers    B. difference    C. jeans    D. fashions

    5.The picture has been paint by Trung for three years.

    A. has    B. been paint    C. by    D. for three years

    6.When she is on holiday last summer, she went to the beach every day.

    A. is    B. on    C. went    D. the beach

    7.In the past, jeans wore mostly by working people.

    A. In    B. wore    C. mostly    D. by

    8.A new kind of robots have been designed recently to meet people’s need.

    A. A    B. robots    C. have been designed    D. need

    Đáp án


    1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C
    5. B 6. A 7. A 8. B


    1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B
    5. B 6. A 7. B 8. C


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